First of all, I will talk about how is feel about each teacher’s speech and some of their career experiences.

Benefited from Gina’s speech, whether it is a series of works and personal feelings for her touch activation, body sculptures, or the bay sculpture, which attracts me and gives me a deeper reading of art and understanding. As to make the sculpture, it is her most successful creative experience, they created this outdoor sculpture “wool track” or “cashmere road” for a long time and the meaning of which is thought-provoking, it  is about colonial discussion. The discussion of land ownership, this is to let them understand the meaning and power of this project. Knitting is the main production method and is wrapped with licorice.

“Architect” and sculptor, Emma, her judging of the art has a unique personal view, she likes to go with the audience to communicate and interact. In this way, the art works are closer to the audience to get more inspiration and more exploration. She discussed some of the works such as Daniel Richter, Archimboldo and Henry Darger, Archhemoldo’s works, they are vivid and the artistic creation and full of whimsy and alternative fun, which attracted me. And in the presentation and elaboration of the individual works, she is excellent, those graphics and style are seemingly messy, strange and distorted. In fact, some of the natural phenomenon of feedback have strong contrast, such as rotting wood, natural and non-natural phenomenon, these are the moment of inspiration, in order to find the feeling of her dream.

A very interesting person, William, he thought that he was not a real graphic designer. In his early career, he liked comic heroes. He had a lot of examples of graphic design, such as Roy Lichenstein, his comics were in a famous, vivid style and had production skills, and most importantly, he made comics into art. In addition, in the early graphic design, he had a unique record of the news text and images of the war, when people felt the darkness of the war and the terrible situationand laid a good foundation for graphic design, and the use of symbols and signs is representative.

Then I will talk about my experiences and insights. I have been fond of painting since I was a child. I wanted to explore and show the scenery of life on the paper, but my previous art teacher was inspired me in art. He once told me that I had artistic talent, my paintings revealed a vivid and interesting aesthetic. From the encouragement of this art teacher, I tried to learn the basic skills of painting, gradually forming my own creative style. I like walking in the landscape, walking can connect the creation of inspiration and real life, which makes me feel about life in a calm state of mind, and inspires me between intentional and unintentional context, I think that inspiration is not deliberately sought, or even in a unconscious state, it is deliberately pursued, in the relaxed and unconscious state, when the understanding of life is more inspired.

Many beautiful sceneries I cannot imagine, experience of the shallow limit the source of creative inspiration, cannot expand the wings of imagination. Therefore, inspiration is derived from the deep understanding of life and experience accumulation inspiration is only the leap and sublimation of the understanding in creative activities. It not only provides a solution to the problem, the chance of success, play a catalytic role, and cannot replace the entire creative process, but also pays creative labour, the growth of the painter must undergo a painstaking apprenticeship process.

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