C&D Contextual statement (EBB)

Verb: EBB


Figure 1. Vibrant Glow (Michael, 2013).

I will elaborate on what I have done in this four weeks of work, to explore, and to understand the “verbs” in the process of creating a series of works.

When I used Pinterest to search for resources, some of the works by an American photographer Michael Chase gave me inspiration, because of his exposure to adjust the exposure and shutter time, which makes the photo looks like a color ink painting. This also makes me more “EBB” has a lot of excitement and strange feeling, he should be misty, floating, like the low tide that scene. These pictures after I read Michael’s work repeatedly appeared in front of me ….. in my first week and the second week of the work which I used a lot of ink as my material, which is to see him After the work, I thought of the ink and in the later works, I extracted from Michael’s photography many of the elements I could use and put them in order to use the ink to “elaborate” my verb “EBB” The However, when I use some skills such as spraying, smearing and so on. I suddenly felt there was something wrong when I thought his picture was color and was photographed. He can find the place or through the furnishings to achieve the desired effect, but I can not, I have to paint to describe my thoughts and things to imagine. But when I saw another painter’s work, I realized that I had improved the quality of the painting and enriched my painting.


Figure 2. Ink Splatter (Jukka, 2016).

Jukka Korhonen, Finnish Digital Artist. I was deeply touched by his style, it was a free and ordinary. Seemingly flat, like in the ink, but the kind of hard and soft, all the style is my favorite reason. My style has been the same, this project makes me more able to learn from many artists and designers of the works and in the ordinary paintings to find extraordinary things, even if they are very abstract, even if I get the verb is very Abstract……..







Michael, C. (2013). Vibrant Glow. Retrieved from http://a-beautifulchaos.tumblr.com/post/73637295966/a-beautifulchaos-michael-chase


Jukka, K. (2016). Ink Splatter. Retrieved from https://loadus.deviantart.com






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