PERSPECTIVE SUMMIT(Group 4 – Multimedia)

Team 4 Multimedia Link

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As my research, I found some useful information about the meaning of multimedia technology, which is both broad and limited. why? I have research a lot of resources on multimedia technology has a variety of interpretations, For instance, Multimedia technology refers to interactive, computer-based applications that allow people to communicate ideas and information with digital and print elements. Or, Multimedia is the integration. In my opinion, both are correct, because they are accurate to say that multimedia technology in the human use process is quite broad in the basic to the people Visual, auditory and even tactile have an impact. I find the information among the technical information of the interaction more to prove this point. I think from the literal point of view, it is to give people a variety of visual and auditory experience, a variety of functional and in the development of diversified high-tech technology.

Multimedia is diversified media


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